Ediciones Nuevos Mundos is the publishing branch of The Friendship Association

Publications in Spanish and/or English:

Curandero (In English) (2016)
Un rostro local para la arqueología cubana (In Spanish) (2016)
Endemic Birds of Cuba – A Comprehensive Field Guide (2015)
Aves Endémicas de Cuba – Guía de Campo (2015)
Baracoa . . . la de siempre – Antología Poética (2015)
Sabor de Baracoa: Su cocina tradicional (A Taste of Baracoa) (2012)
Baracoa: La Magia de Sus Pintores / The Painter’s Magic (2009)
Curandero (In Spanish) (2011)
Baracoa a través de su historia urbana y arquitectónica (2011)
Baracoa región histórica en lo profundo y más oriental de Cuba (2011)
Las aventuras de Coto y Caty (2) (2011)
Las aventuras de Coto y Caty (2010)
Los Secretos del Parque (2010)
Coloreando mi mundo: Las Polimitas (2007)(2012)
Coloreando mi mundo: La Jutía (2010)
Coloreando mi mundo: El Manatí (2008)
Coloreando mi mundo: La Cotorra (2008)
Baracoa: Apuntes de su Historia y su Banda de Música (2006)
Baracoa: Where Cuba Begins (2001)
Miss Clancy (2011)

Un rostro local para la arqueología cubana (In Spanish)

compiled by Roberto Valcárcel Rojas and José Abreu Cardet
232 pages, (6″ x 9″) with black and white illustrations and photographs. Articles by Roberto Valcárcel Rojas, José Abreu Cardet, José Novoa Betancourt, Isaíris Rojas París, Margarita París Johnson, Iván Rodríguez López, Nury de los Ángeles Valcárcel Leyva, José Corella, Francisco Cuesta, Adisney Campos Suárez, Ramiro Ricardo, y Rolando Bellido Aguilera.

Spanish language only.

ISBN 978-0-9909419-3-4 (Editorial Ediciones Nuevos Mundos)
ISBN 978-959-7200-14-7 (Editorial La Mezquita)

La arqueología aporta una mirada particular del pasado y en su accionar hace del patrimonio arqueológico parte indispensable de la cultura de los espacios donde este se ubica. Este libro propone un acercamiento al caso de la provincia de Holguín y discute como una disciplina secundaria en el panorama de las ciencias sociales cubanas ha logrado sobrevivir y hasta crecer en esta provincia, haciendo del patrimonio arqueológico y su estudio, un elemento importante en la construcción de la identidad regional.

A través de varios artículos y entrevistas compiladas por Roberto Valcárcel Rojas y José Abreu Cardet, se indaga en el espíritu que durante más de un siglo ha movido la investigación arqueológica en Holguín. Un espíritu que incorpora desde modestos aficionados hasta renombrados académicos, esfuerzos de coleccionismo y estudio que involucran a generaciones y familias, hallazgos revolucionarios que cambiaron la visión del mundo precolombino cubano, proyectos investigativos y museológicos pioneros, construcciones culturales que modelan la imagen y la identidad de la provincia. Es la esencia del rostro local que Holguín ofrece a la arqueología cubana.

Una mirada múltiple, creativa y personal a un capítulo clave de la arqueología cubana y caribeña. Un homenaje necesario a muchos arqueólogos imprescindibles y una lectura de utilidad cultural y científica.

(Jorge Ulloa Hung. Departamento de Arqueología,
Museo del Hombre Dominicano)

$20 + $5 S/H within the US.

Digital version coming soon.

Curandero (In English) 2016

Curandero recounts stories and anecdotes, seemingly fantastic at times, which form a part of the local collective imagination of Baracoa, Cuba. It includes a detailed a glossary of common ailments and their cures.This study, the fruit of 30 years of research, is perhaps the only written account of the historical evolution of Baracoan curanderismo from pre-Columbian times to the present.

Curandero is a vital testament of the magic, myths, witchcraft, spiritism, and herbal remedies of the oldest European settlements in Cuba, and for the first time this book is available in English.

ISBN 978-0-9716675-9-4Price $15 + $5 S/H within the US.

Spanish version is sold out see below


Víctor Oscar Pérez Rodríguez (Baracoa, 1948)

Autodidactic ethnologist and professor of literature and culture (retired)

Víctor’s life work is dedicated to a thorough examination of the cultural roots of his people. He has published articles on such themes as street venders’ cries and workers’ songs in Baracoa: “Pregones de la Ciudad Primada” (1981) and “Seis cantos de trabajo en la Primera Villa de Cuba” (1983); as well as recorded life stories of popular local figures: “Caito” (1997) and “Vida y obra de un trovador popular” (1998).

His books include Canfínfora (2004); Ay cumbembé o Fiestas de santos en Baracoa (2009); and the Spanish edition of Curandero (2010). In 2015 three of his poems appeared in Baracoa . . . La de siempre: Antología poética, published by Ediciones Nuevos Mundos.

Víctor Oscar has several works in progress, including Eduardo Davidson: El creador de la Pachanga. He lives in Baracoa where he is highly respected as a poet and authority on local culture and traditions.

He is a member of Union Nacional de Historiadores de Cuba (UNHIC) (National Union of Cuban Historians) and of the Sociedad Cultural “José Martí.”

Mildo Matos Carcasés (Baracoa, 1962)

Artist specializing in aboriginal themes

Mildo graduated as a Professor of Visual Arts in 1987 and earned an advanced degree in Art Education in 1993 from the Instituto Superior Pedagógico of Guantánamo.

His artistic work has gone through different creative stages: Erotic Landscapes; the L.Q.Q.D series; the Doors; Dialectic Interrelations; Indigenous Taíno Mythology; and his current period, Shamanic Visions.

Mildo has had many personal and collective exhibits, both national and international. In 2008 he was invited to present a personal exhibition “Enigma de la Pachamama” in The Guzmán Blanco de Antímano gallery in Caracas, Venezuela. In 2011, he participated in a collective, roving exhibition held in several important cities during the tournee “Luzo-Cubano” of Portugal. He was one of six Cuban participants in the Re-Art project (2013) in Cincinnati, Ohio. His works are found in private collections in different parts of the world. He created the cover art for the book Baracoa de Cuba: La Magia de sus Pintores (2009) of which he was one of the featured artists, and did the cover and illustrations for the Spanish edition of Curandero in 2010.

Mildo is the host of the ATABEY Community Project that takes place in his studio/gallery of the same name. He lives in Baracoa with his wife and children, two of whom paint with their father.

He is a member of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC).



Endemic Birds of Cuba
A Comprehensive Field Guide
– including West Indian endemics residing in Cuba

by Nils Navarro.
168 pages (8.5″ x 5.5″) with original full color illustrations and photos by the author.
Separate Spanish and English editions.
Prologue by Dr. James W. Wiley.





ISBN 978-0-9909419-1-0

$25 + $5 S/H within the US.

Spanish version

Author’s note:

The Cuban avifauna includes more than 370 species, with a high level of endemism, both local and regional. Considering the importance of endemics for the conservation of biodiversity, and thanks to the information gathered during the last ten years of field work in Cuba, I decided to produce a field guide focused on Cuban endemics. Field biologists and birdwatchers alike demand updated and accurate information, which led me to design a practical and novel structure for the book that allows the owner to update the information by writing their field notes in blank spaces included with the species descriptions, or simply by coloring the adjacent icons.

The 168 page full-color guide is divided into five chapters: general information about Cuba; species accounts; guide to habitats with photographs of the birds in their habitats; levels of threat; and finally, maps, datasheets and other novelties. The front and back covers of the book provide quick identification of endemic birds, and also function as an illustrated checklist. My original watercolor illustrations cover the 26 endemic species of Cuba as well as another 22 endemics of the West Indies that inhabit the archipelago.

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